Distance Euler’s Line


In a triangle ABC, H, G, and O are orthocenter, centroid, and circumcenter of the triangle. If the Euler's line is parallel AC and m <(HBC) = 2m <(OCA), calculate GO if AH = a (answer: a/3)

I tried to draw the triangle and relate the properties but couldn't find a solution.
We know that GH = 2GO and BG = 2GP
Triangle BHG ~ POG
enter image description here

Best Answer

We have the equality of (measures of) angles: $$ \widehat{HAC} =90^\circ -\hat C=\widehat{HBC}=2\cdot\widehat{OCA} = 2\cdot\widehat{OAC}\ . $$ This implies: $$ \widehat{HAO} = \widehat{OAC} = \widehat{AOH}\ . $$ The triangle $\Delta HAO$ is thus isosceles in $H$, so $HA=HO=3\cdot GO$.