Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling


How do you conduct disproportionate stratified random sampling?

Home Office Total
Men 100 250 350
Women 120 30 150
Total 220 280 500

An overall sampling fraction of 10% has been decided on.

Suppose the company wishes to use a larger sampling fraction of female employees. If they wish to sample 15% of the women in each location category, while still keeping the overall sampling fraction the same at 10%. How many players will be sampled in each category?

Is there a formula which I should be using?

Best Answer

You need just to set up some equations representing the situation.

The overall sampling units are $n = 500 \cdot 10\% = 50$, also

$$n = n_{1} + n_{2} + n_{3} + n_4$$

where each $n_i$ represent the units sampled in a stratum, then $n_3 = 120 \cdot 15\% = 18$ and $n_4 = 30\cdot 15\% = 4.5$ which has to be made an integer either $4$ or $5$, say $5$.

So you can see that $n_1+n_2 = 27$, any combination of integer will be good. I left to you if the numbers with which you obtain the same proportion for each male category if you wish to find them.

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