Directly similar triangle proof


Suppose the triangles $ABC$ and $AB'C'$ are directly similar. Then assuming $BB'$ and $CC'$ intersect, determine under which extra conditions $A,B,C$ and $BB'\cap CC'$ lie on a circle.


I think the two triangles being directly similar and $BB'$ and $CC'$ intersecting is insufficient to conclude that $A,B,C$ and $BB'\cap CC'$ lie on a circle. I think it's possible the circumcircles of triangles $ABC$ and $AB'C'$ intersect at only the point $A$. Now assume the circumcircles of triangles $ABC$ and $AB'C'$ intersect at a point $P$ other than $A$. Then $\angle APB =\angle ACB = \angle AC'B'=\angle APB'$ by the inscribed angle theorem and similarity. But does this imply that $P$ lies on the line $BB'$ and similarly on the line $CC'$? If so, why? Also, is it sufficient and necessary to add the condition that the circumcircles intersect in more than one point?

Best Answer

Let $AB$ be transformed into $AB'$ by a rotation and scale factor. Then $AC$ is transformed into $AC'$ by the same rotation and scale factor.

Therefore $ABB'$ and $ACC'$ are similar.

Then angles $ABD$ and $ACD$ sum to $\pi$. Therefore $ABCD$ is a cyclic quadrilateral as required.

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