Direction vector from 2 orthogonal angles


I have an acoustic sensor that measures angle on a single axis. If the sensor is pointing upwards, then I can measure an angle $\theta$ that has the range $-\pi/2 < \theta < \pi/2$. A value of $\theta = 0$ means that an object (sound source) is directly above it. In other words, it measures the angle from a surface normal with respect to the ground, on a single axis.

If I mount a second sensor with a baseline sitting at 90 degrees from the first sensor, rotated on the z axis, I measure two angles, $\theta$ and $\phi$. $\theta$ defines a unit vector on the x,z plane (z is up) and $\phi$ defines a unit vector on the y,z plane. Both vectors point upwards when the object is directly above the sensor. $\theta$ varies as the object moves in the $\pm$ x direction and similarly $\phi$ varies according to the position on the y axis. It cannot measure distance, only direction.

How can I turn these two measurements ($\theta$ and $\phi$) into a direction vector that points towards the object? Note that this is not the same as the spherical coordinate system that measures azimuth and inclination. In my case $\theta$ and $\phi$ represent angles from a surface normal on 2 orthogonal axes.

Geometry of the sensor angles

Best Answer

enter image description here

Does this figure help you? The "perspective of sensor" triangles give you the angles you need.


The boxed equations are the ones you want, if i've interpreted your question correctly. (See new image)

You can figure out a direction vector, because my $\beta$ and $\alpha$ are the co-latitude and azimuthal angles in polar coordinates, respectively.

enter image description here

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