Dimension of subrepresentations of finite group


I’m very new to representation theory, here is a statement I saw in the course notes from my instructor, he says, for finite group $G$ with a given representation over a complex vector space $V$, any non-trivial subrepresentations can only be at most $|G|$ dimensional. I don’t get the point, all I can figure out is that the statement is true for irreducible representations, any hints on how to understand this statement?

EDIT: I checked with my instructor, and he changed the words: $V$ has a non-zero $G$-invariant subspace of dimensional at most $|G|$. Okay, frankly speaking, I don't see what has changed, any hints? I guess I have a very deep misunderstanding here, please help!

Best Answer

This is essentially @QiaochuYuan's point. If $V\neq 0$ then pick any non-zero vector $v\in V$. The $\mathbb{C}$-linear span of the vectors $\{gv|g\in G\}$ is a non-zero $G$-invariant subspace of $V$. As the set of vectors $\{gv|g\in G\}$ has cardinality $|G|$, their span will have dimension at most $|G|$.

Note this is only true under the assumption $V\neq 0$. That should be in the question somewhere - if not you should mention it to your instructor.

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