Dimension of nullspace and number of rows

linear algebramatricesmatrix-rank

A matrix $A$ has $10$ columns and dim(Null($A^{T}$ ))$=7$. The smallest possible number of rows of $A$ is

$(A)$ $5$

$(B)$ $6$

$(C)$ $7$

$(D)$ $8$

$(E)$ $9$

I know that dim(Null($A^{T}$ ))$=7$ implies that there are $7$ rows of zeros and that:

Rank($A$)+Nullity($A^T$) $=$ # of rows

Rank($A$)+Nullity($A$) $=$ # of columns

I'm not really sure how to use all this information though… Can someone provide a hint?

Best Answer

Hint: You want Rank($A$)+Nullity($A^T$) to be as low as possible. You already know how large the right term is. What's the lowest possible the left term could theoretically be? What would the resulting matrix be?