Difficulty with Definition of Disconnectedness w.r.t. closed sets


Here's what I know:
When is a (metric) space disconnected?

Consider a metric space $(M,d)$. $M$ is disconnected if there exist non-empty disjoint open subsets $A,B \subset M$ such that $A\cup B = M$. $\{A,B\}$ is called a disconnection of $M$.

When is a subset of $M$ disconnected?$\color{red}{^1}$

Consider $E\subset M$. $E$ is disconnected if there exists non-empty disjoint open subsets $A,B \subset M$ such that $E\subset A\cup B$, $A\cap E\neq \varnothing$ and $B\cap E\neq \varnothing$.

I have seen that using the first definition, people often say that $M$ is disconnected if there exist non-empty disjoint closed sets such that $A\cup B = M$. This makes sense here, since $A^c = B$ and $B^c = A$, so if $A,B$ are open, they are also closed.

What about the second definition though, i.e. when is $E$ disconnected? Can we come up with something in terms of closed sets here?

My problem is that in the second definition, $A^c$ is not necessarily $B$ – so nothing useful comes out of that apparently. Could someone help me out here, and better clarify notions of connectedness/disconnectedness for me? Thank you very much.

$\color{red}{1.}$ In Carothers' Real Analysis, this characterization of disconnectedness of subsets of $M$ has been motivated by the relative metric, and notions of open sets in $E$.

Best Answer

A subset $E \subseteq M$ is disconnected exactly when $(E,d)$ in the relative metric (or as a topologist would say, the subspace topology) is disconnected.

We can also use the same reformulation as you have given but with closed sets instead. So

$E$ is disconnected if there exists non-empty disjoint closed subsets $A,B \subset M$ such that $E\subset A\cup B$, $A\cap E\neq \varnothing$ and $B\cap E\neq \varnothing$.

The reason that this works is that $A \cap E$ and $B \cap E$ are then open and closed in $(E,d)$ just as in the open $A$,$B$ case.

Sidenote: for general (non-metric) spaces we don't demand that $A \cap B = \emptyset$ but $A \cap B \cap E = \emptyset$, to avoid weird examples). So the sets need only be disjoint on $E$, not in the whole space.

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