Difficult vector identity using Levi Civita


I have to prove the following:


I am given the hint to use the BAC-CAB identity on the following triple product:

And then using that to evaluate the following in two ways, one directly and the other again using BAC-CAB:


From here I decided to convert to levi civita and set the= two lines equal to each other:

But from here I have no idea where to go. I can see pieces of what I want but I have no idea how to rearrange this at all to get the desired equality. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

The hint is useful. The problem's left-hand side expands to$$-3(r\cdot p)r\times m+3(r\cdot m)r\times p+p\times m,$$so you just need to multiply your BAC-CAB inference$$(r\cdot m)r\times p-(r\cdot p)r\times m=r[r\cdot p\times m]-p\times m$$by $3$, then rearrange, no Levi-Civita required.