Difficult geometry Olympiad symmedian problem

contest-mathgeometryproblem solvingproof-writingtriangles

I have been training for math olympiads for some time now. I came across this geometry problem from the Italian math book "Giochi Matematici Russi" by Boris A. Kordemsky:

Let ABC be an acute – angled triangle. Let m1 and
m2 be the perpendicular bisectors of sides BC and AC
respectively, moreover let M be the midpoint of side AB. Now we mark
the interesection points of the median CM and m1 and
m2 as S1 and S2 respectively. The
lines AS2 and BS1 intersect at point K. Prove
that ∡ACK = ∡MCB.

The first thing I did was to plot the question in geogebra.(link will be provided at the end of the article)
After playing around for a while, I had the idea to plot the reflection point of K upon the angle bisector at C. That point K' always seems to lie on the median CM. So after searching the Internet a bit, I found that K seems to lie on a line called the symmedian.(For reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmedian) So now the question is to prove that K lies on the symmedian. And this is where I am not able to make any further progress. I thank anybody who can give some advice or hints.

Geogebra link: https://www.geogebra.org/geometry/qbn8jzbc .

MathGuy :))

Best Answer

Let $C'$ be the reflection of $C$ about $M$. There is a unique point $L$ such that the triangle $CAL$ is similar to the triangle $CC'B$ with the same orientation.

Then you can prove that the triangle $CLB$ is similar to the triangle $CAC'$ with the same orientation.

It follows from the two pairs of similar triangles that $\angle CAL=\angle CC'B=\angle C'CA=\angle S_2AC$ and $\angle CBL=\angle CC'A=\angle C'CB=\angle CBS_1$. The two imply that $K=L$, and thus $\angle ACK=\angle C'CB=\angle MCB$.