Differences between primes which are powers of two


Not for every prime $p$ there is smaller prime $q$ such that $p-q=2^n$ for some natural number $n$ and $n=127$ is an example. But what about the dual question:

For each prime number $p>2$ there is a natural number $n$ such that $p+2^n$ is a prime number.

What is known about this?

Best Answer

There are infinitely many counterexamples.

Consider $n\pmod {24}$. We consider a covering system for such residues. Specifically, remark that:

$$n\equiv 1 \pmod 2\implies 2^n\equiv 2\pmod 3$$ $$n\equiv 2 \pmod 4\implies 2^n\equiv 4\pmod 5$$ $$n\equiv 1 \pmod 3\implies 2^n\equiv 2\pmod 7$$ $$n\equiv 4 \pmod 8\implies 2^n\equiv 16\pmod {17}$$ $$n\equiv 8 \pmod {12}\implies 2^n\equiv 9\pmod {13}$$ $$n\equiv 0 \pmod {24}\implies 2^n\equiv 1\pmod {241}$$

These are easily verified, case by case. And it is easily verified that each $n\in \mathbb N$ satisfies at least one of the congruences.

Thus we are lead to consider: $$\text{ChineseRemainder[\{1,1,5,1,4,240\},\{3,5,7,17,13,241\}]}=1518781$$

Any prime congruent to that $\pmod {3\times 5\times 7\times 13\times 17\times 241}$ will be a counterexample, and by Dirichlet there are infinitely many of these.

The least such prime is $68627641$, followed by $202845361$.

Of course, there might be smaller counterexamples...but these counterexamples are guaranteed to allow small prime factors for every $n$.

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