Differences between matrices, bivectors and rank-2 tensors


I recently came across bivectors while looking into spacetime algebra, but couldn't understand their differences from the matrices, and from rank-2 tensors. While looking into bivectors, I found that they also follow the same distributivity laws as that of matrices. While being on the same question, I know that tensors are defined in vector spaces, but is it that matrices are defined on some other space, which makes it different from a rank-2 tensor? And if these three are completely different from one another, then why do we represent one with the other?

Best Answer

Each square matrix $Q$ can be used to define a bilinear function on $V$, a finite vector space, through
$V\times V\to\mathbb R$ mapping via $(v,w)\mapsto v^{\top}Qw$ (matrices multiplication), hence $Q$ induce a rank two tensor over $V$.

A bivector is such a tensor but with $Q$ being anti-symmetric, that is $Q^{\top}=-Q$.

Now for other types of rank two tensors like the cases $$V^*\times V\to\mathbb R,$$ or $$V^*\times V^*\to\mathbb R,$$ similar mechanisms work: if $f,g$ are in $V^*$ then $$(f,w)\mapsto fQw,$$ and $$(f,g)\mapsto fQg^{\top},$$ respectively. Transpose is used to match matrix multiplication since it is a convention of representing vector as a column matrices and covectors (linear functionals) as a row vectors. One last case is $V\times V^*\to\mathbb R$ via $(v,g)\mapsto v^{\top}Qg^{\top}$.