Differences between groups and rings when understood as categories


A group can be understood as a category with a single object $*$ whose hom-set $\text{hom}(*,*)$ forms a group with composition as the group multiplication.

A ring can be understood as a category that is preadditive with a single object $*$. Preadditive means that for a category $C$, $\text{hom}_C(A,B)$ forms an abelian group that is distributive with respect to composition of arrows.

The group structure appears in different ways in these two categories. It seems weird to me that the group multiplication is the composition of arrows for groups as categories but for rings it is some binary map of arrows in the same hom-set. Why is this the 'best' way to understand these structures as categories? Is there some way to understand a ring as a category where composition of arrows forms a group (like the categorical sense of a group)?

Best Answer

Instead of comparing groups and rings, one needs to compare monoids and rings:

  • An one-object category is the same as a monoid.
  • An one-object preadditive category is the same as a ring.

We see from this that the multiplication in a monoid needs to be compared to the multiplication in a ring. The addition in rings has no corresponding structure in monoids.

Every ring has an underlying additive group, and some monoids happen to be groups. But that doesn’t matter for the above observation: the multiplication in a group is a special case of the multiplication in a monoid, and therefore needs to be compared to the multiplication in a ring (and not the addition). The addition in rings has no corresponding structure in groups.

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