Difference between Open sets of Interval and Open Sets of Topological Space


I am trying to understand the difference between open sets on a real line and open sets in a topological space. For example, while reading about open sets in Real line, it says:

Recall the following definitions about open and closed sets in

Open Sets: Write

$B_d(x,r) :=\{y \in R^d: |y-x| < r\}$

for the open ball of radius $r$ about $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$.

A set $G \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ is open if for all $x \in G$ there exists an $r > 0$ such that $B(x,r) \subset G$.

Now if talk about topological space:

A topological space, also called an abstract topological space, is a
set $X$ together with a collection of open subsets $T$ that satisfies
the four conditions:

  1. The empty set $\emptyset$ is in $T$.

  2. $X$ is in $T$.

  3. The intersection of a finite number of sets in $T$ is also in $T$.

  4. The union of an arbitrary number of sets in $T$ is also in $T$.

Members of the $T$ are called open sets

Now, how these open sets of real line and Topological space are related?

Best Answer

The real line is a main example of a topological space. If you define $$ \mathcal T = \{ A\subseteq\mathbb R \mid A\text{ satisfies the }{\it first}\text{ definition of open set}\}$$ then you can (fairly easily) prove that this particular $\mathcal T$ satisfies your definition of topology.

Therefore as long as you're speaking about that topology (the "standard topology" on $\mathbb R$), saying that members of $\mathcal T$ are called "open" does agree with your initial interval-based definition of "open".

However, the point of defining "topology" abstractly is that you can now talk about other topologies where "open" does not have anything in particular to do with intervals.

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