Difference between metric spaces and metrizable spaces (Munkres)


Is there a difference between a metrizable space and a metric space ? For me if $X$ is a metrizable space, then there is a metric $d$ s.t. $(X,d)$ is a metric space. And obviously a metric space is metrizable.

The reason I'm asking this question is in the book Topology second edition of J. Munkres, page 179 they prove (theorem 28.2) that if the $X$ is metrizable, then a set is compact $\iff$ it's sequentially compact. Now page 276 (Theorem 45.1) they prove that a metric space is compact $\iff$ it's complete and totally bounded.

My question : In the proof of the theorem 28.2 in the part $(3)\implies (1)$ they in fact proved that the space is totally bounded, and then proved that it's moreover compact. But they introduced the totally boundness to prove theorem 45.1 only. I don't really understand why they introduce the concept of totally boundness that late (i.e. page 275) whereas it's exactly the technique used to prove theorem 28.2. So I guess that there is a subtlety that I didn't get between metric space and metrizable space (because for me it almost look to be the same thing, and the method used in theorem 28.2 should also work to prove theorem 45.1).

Best Answer

A metric space is a metric space, so a pair $(X, d)$ where $X$ is a set of points and $d$ is a metric on $X$.

A metrizable space is a topological space, so a pair $(X, \tau)$ where the topology $\tau$ is nice enough that it is possible to find a metric $d$ (and thus infinitely many different metrics) on $X$ such that the induced topology on the metric space $(X, d)$ is exactly $\tau$.