Difference between Free Lie algebra and universal enveloping algebra


I have seen so many questions about free Lie algebra and universal enveloping algebra. As in this question (Universal envoloping algebra of a free Lie algebra.), a reader asked for the universal enveloping algebra of a free Lie algebra. I am following the book on Lie algebra written by Humphreys. In this book, he didn't give much about free Lie algebra and its construction. He said if $X$ is a set then to construct its free Lie algebra go through the vector space generated by X as a basis and consider this as a subalgebra of tensor algebra. I can not understand how to do this. Kindly explain this to me. There are so many questions on universal enveloping algebra on this site and I studied them but didn't get my answer.

Best Answer

First of all, note that an universal enveloping algebra is an associative algebra, wheras Lie algebras are seldom associative. So, it almost never happens that a universal enveloping algebra can also be a Lie algebra.

If $F$ is a set, the free Lie algebra on $F$ (over a field $k$) is basically a Lie algebra over $k$ which contains $F$ and which, besides that, satisfies the minimal possible amount of relations among its elements. So, for instance, if $F=\{X,Y\}$, then the free Lie algebra on $F$ contains $X$ and $Y$. It also contains $[X,Y]$ and $[Y,X]$ and, of course, $[X,Y]=-[Y,X]$, since this relation must hold for any Lie algebra. But it is not true that $[X,Y]=0$, since this doesn't hold in general for Lie algebras.