Difference between $[0, 1) \times [0, 1)$ and the 2-torus


Let me take the two dimensional case. I have seen a definition of the $2$-torus as

$T^2 = \mathbb{R}^2 / \mathbb{Z}^2$

i.e. the quotient between the real space and the integer space. However, for the equivalence relation

$x \sim y \iff \exists a \in \mathbb{Z}^2 : x = y + a$,

I reckon the quotient space is simply $[0,1) \times [0,1)$. What is the difference between this and the torus?

Best Answer

Nothing, provided you understand $[0,1)\times [0,1)$ to have the quotient topology rather than the subspace topology. In the quotient topology, for example, every open set of a point of the form $(0, t)$ contains points of the form $(1-\epsilon, t)$ for sufficiently small $\epsilon$. This is not the case for the subspace topology.

This is an example where notation can be technically correct yet misleading nonetheless: writing the quotient as "$[0,1)\times [0,1)$" suggests a subspace of $\mathbb{R}^2$ when in fact it is a quotient with a very different topology.

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