Diagonalize a matrix when it has more eigenvectors than eigenvalues

linear algebra

I'm trying to solve this problem:

Give an example of a matrix A with the following three properties:

  1. A has eigenvalues −1 and 2.
  2. The eigenvalue −1 has eigenvector (1,2,3).
  3. The eigenvalue 2 has eigenvectors (1,1,0) and (0,1,1).

I tried solving it using
$$A= PDP^{-1}$$
But D is 2×2 and P is 3×3 so multiplication is not possible. How do we deal with cases like this when a matrix has more eigenvectors than eigenvalues?

Best Answer

Each eigenvalue appears once in $D$ for each eigenvector it has in your collection of eigenvectors. So in this case, $D$ has $2$ twice along the diagonal. A few requirements, though:

  • The collection of eigenvectors for any given eigenvalue must be linearly independent
  • There must still be a full set of eigenvectors, which is to say there must be $n$ of them for an $n\times n$ matrix

As long as these are fulfilled, the are no issues.

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