Diagonalization of a Matrices Represent Change of Basis.

diagonalizationeigenvalues-eigenvectorsmatricesquantum mechanicssimilar matrices

In our examination of Mathematical Physics course, a question came which had a matrix written in the standard basis for a 2 by 2 matrix. Now he changed the basis of the given matrix and told us to write the new matrix in terms of these new basis.

I gave it a try by solving and finding the eigenvalues of the matrix (whom to be written in new basis) and now my doubt arises that should i ow use their eigenvectors or what. and if i use them, what to do next.

I tried looking for answers and found a YouTube video, but was unable to catch up.

I need to clear this doubt as my professor said it will play a huge role in Quantum Mechanics that denationalization of matrices or similarity transformation represent change of basis.

Edit- I know the 3 important properties of matrices to be similar. Being a Physics student, would appreciate every possible explanation of it.

Best Answer

You should write the precise data, but some generalities can be say.

If your initial matrix is, say $A$ and the matrix of the change of basis is $B$ then the version of $A$ in this new basis is $B^{-1}AB$.

If you want to diagonalize (or almost diagonalize) $A$ then choosing the eigenvectors of $A$ as the basis change with matrix $C$, then $C^{-1}AC$ would be diagonal or almost diagonal.

Edit: Take $A=\left[\begin{array}{cc}1&2\\2&5\end{array}\right]$ and the basis change: $$b_1=2e_1+3e_2,$$ $$b_2=2e_1-3e_2,$$ then $B=\left[\begin{array}{cc}2&2\\3&-3\end{array}\right]$ and $B^{-1}AB=\frac{1}{48}\left[\begin{array}{cc}7&11\\10&18\end{array}\right]$.

This can be interpreted as if $A$ determine a linear transformation $\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R^2$ then $B^{-1}AB$ represents the very same transformation but after the basis change in both domain and codomain.

In the case you take eigenvectors from $A$ any choice of them will do the analogous effect but nearing to its diagonalization.

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