Determining the order of the poles of the function $\frac{1}{\sin z-\sin 2z}$


I encounter a question in my problem sheets, which asks to identify the type of isolated singularities of the following function: $$\frac{1}{\sin z-\sin 2z}$$

Firstly, by trig identities, I can rewrite the denominator as $-2\cos\frac{3z}{2}\,\sin\frac{z}{2}$. Therefore, the possible singularities are $\frac{\pi}{3}(2k+1)$ and $2k\pi$.

However, I have no ideas how to classify these singularities into either one of: pole, removable singularity, or essential singularity.

Personally, I think it is highly possible to be a pole, even though I don't know how to prove this. So the question is about working the order of the pole.

Many thanks for any help.

Best Answer


The poles are the solutions of the equation $$\sin z=\sin 2z\iff \begin{cases} 2z\equiv z \\2z\equiv \pi-z \end{cases}\mod 2\pi\iff \begin{cases} z\equiv 0 \\3z\equiv \pi \end{cases}\mod 2\pi\iff \begin{cases} z\equiv 0 \mod 2\pi\\z\equiv \frac \pi3\mod \frac{2\pi}3 \end{cases} $$ You can check that none of these poles is a root of the derivative $$(\sin z-\sin 2z)'=\cos z-2\cos 2z,$$ so that the poles are simple poles.

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