Determining the normal functionals on the direct sum of von Neumann algebras


Consider a collection $\{M_i: i \in I\}$ of von Neumann algebras and consider their $\ell^\infty$-direct sum $M$. I'm trying to show that a normal functional $\omega$ on $M$ is of the form
$$\omega(m) = \sum_i \omega_i(m_i), m = (m_i)_i \in M$$
where $\omega_i \in (M_i)_*$ and $\sum_i \|\omega_i\|<\infty$.

In another post, user Ruy suggested to note that

(M_*)^* \cong
M \cong
\oplus_i^\infty M_i \cong
\oplus_i^\infty ({M_i}_*)^* \cong

and then invoke uniqueness of the predual of a von Neumann algebra to obtain
$$M_* \cong \bigoplus_i^1 {M_i}_*.$$

However, to prove the above result I guess I need to know explicitely how this isomorphism looks like. How can I see this?

Best Answer

Let me try another perhaps more pedestrian approach.

So we're given that $M=\ell ^\infty (M_i)$ (I guess I prefer this notation over ${\oplus}_i^\infty M_i$), where the $M_i$ are von Neumann algebras. Denoting by $M_*$ the space of normal linear functionals, we thus need to prove that $$ M_*=\ell ^1({M_i}_*). $$

Given $\omega \in M_*$, denote by $\omega _i$ the restriction of $\omega $ to $M_i$, so that $\omega _i\in {M_i}_*$, and let us prove that $$ \|\omega \| = \sum_i\Vert \omega _i\Vert. \tag 1 $$

Fixing $\rho $ in the interval $(0, 1)$, and for each $i$, choose some $m_i$ in $M_i$ such that $\Vert m_i\Vert =1$, and $\omega _i(m_i)\geq \rho \Vert \omega _i\Vert $.

If $F$ is a finite subset of the index set $I$, and $m_F\in M$ is defined to have coordinates $m_i$, for $i$ in $F$, and zero elsewhere, then $\Vert m_F\Vert =1$, and $$ \Vert \omega \Vert \geq |\omega (m_F)| = \sum_{i\in F}\omega _i(m_i) \geq \sum_{i\in F} \rho \Vert \omega _i\Vert . $$ Since both $F$ and $\rho $ are arbitrary, it follows that $\Vert \omega \Vert \geq \sum_{i\in I} \Vert \omega _i\Vert $.

In order to prove the reverse inequality, let $N$ be the subalgebra of $M$ formed by the elements with finitely many nonzero coordinates. Then, for every $m$ in the unit ball of $N$, we have that $$ |\omega (m)| = \big |\sum_{i\in I}\omega _i(m_i)\big | \leq \sum_{i\in I}|\omega _i(m_i) | \leq $$$$ \leq \sup_{i\in I}\|m_i\|\sum_{i\in I}\|\omega _i\| \leq \sum_{i\in I}\|\omega _i\|. \tag 2 $$

Using von Neumann's double commutant Theorem, it is easy to see that $N$ is weakly dense in $M$. Furthermore, by Kaplansky's density theorem, we have that the unit ball of $N$ is dense in the unit ball of $M$ relative to $\sigma (M,M_*)$, aka the weak$^*$ topology. Therefore the inequality in (2) is preserved if, instead, $m$ is taken in the unit ball of $M$. This concludes the proof of claim (1)

Therefore this defines an isometric linear map $$ \omega \in M_*\mapsto (\omega _i)_i\in \ell ^1({M_i}_*), \tag 3 $$ and we'll be done once we prove it to be onto.

To see that this is indeed the case, pick $(\omega _i)_i\in \ell ^1({M_i}_*)$, and define for each subset $J\subseteq I$, the linear functional $\omega _J$ on $M$ by $$ \omega _J(m) =\sum_{i\in F} \omega _i(m_i),\quad\forall m\in M. $$

For $J$ finite it is clear that $\omega _J$ is normal, and hence so is $\omega :=\omega _I$, since the latter is the norm limit of the $\omega _F$, for $F$ finite.

Finally notice that the map in (3) sends $\omega $ to $(\omega _i)_i$, concluding the proof.