Determining $1$-th simplicial homology group of the Möbius strip.


Let $\underline {\mathcal M}$ be the underlying s$\Delta$-set of the Möbius strip. I am trying to compute the simplicial homology groups of $\underline {\mathcal M}.$ I find that the $0$-th simplicial homology group $H_0^{\Delta} \left (\underline {\mathcal M} \right ) \cong \Bbb Z$ and the $n$-th simplicial homology group $H_n^{\Delta} \left (\underline {\mathcal M} \right ) = 0,$ for $n \geq 2.$ While computing the $1$-th simplicial homology group $H_1^{\Delta} \left (\underline {\mathcal M} \right )$ I find that $$H_1^{\Delta} \left (\underline {\mathcal M} \right ) = \langle a – b + c, d \rangle / \langle a + b -d, a – c + d \rangle.$$ But I can't able to simplify it further. Would anybody please help me in this regard?

Thanks for reading.

EDIT $:$

enter image description here

Best Answer

The matrix of $d^1\colon \mathbb Z\{a,b,c,d\}\to\mathbb Z\{v,w\}$ is obtained from your triangulation as $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 1 & -1 & 0\end{pmatrix}, $$ which has rank $1$ and hence the kernel is free of rank $3$. It is generated by $d$, $a+b$ and $a-c$. Hence, we get $$ H_1 = \frac{\langle d,a+b,a-c\rangle}{\langle a+b-d,a-c+d\rangle} = \frac{\langle d,a+b-d,a-c+d\rangle}{\langle a+b-d,a-c+d\rangle} \cong\langle d\rangle\cong\mathbb Z. $$