Determine the tangent plane of a vector function

functionsmultivariable-calculusvector analysisvectors

I got a problem that I have to determine the tangent plane, normal line and gradient of a vector function in a specific point.

This problem gives me this vector function $h$:

$h: (0, +\infty) \times (0, +\infty) \to \mathbb{R}^2$


and the point $(1, 1)$.

I don't even know how to start solving this problem.

Best Answer

The graph of the function is the surface with parametrization

$$H: (0,+\infty)^2 \rightarrow\mathbb{R}^4$$

given by $H(x,y) = (x, y, x^y, x^x\sinh(y))$. The tangent plane at each point of the surface is generated by the partial derivatives of $H$, which are

$\frac{\partial H}{\partial x} = (1, 0, yx^{y-1},x^x(1+\log x)\sinh(y))$

$\frac{\partial H}{\partial y} = (0,1, x^y\log x,x^x\cosh(y))$

At the point $(1,1)$, they are the tangent vectors

$\frac{\partial H}{\partial x}(1,1) = (1,0,1,\sinh(1))$

$\frac{\partial H}{\partial y}(1,1) = (0,1,0,\cosh(1))$

So, points on the tangent plane at that point are of the form $(1,1) + t(1,0,1,\sinh(1)) + s(0,1,0,\cosh(1))$, for arbitrary $s, t$.

The normal line still makes no sense, because the orthogonal space of a plane in $\mathbb{R}^4$ has $2$ dimensions and not one (it would be a "normal plane"). Same thing for the "gradient". You could calculate the gradients of the components, which would be the partial derivatives of each component, and I already got them:

$grad H_1 = (yx^{y-1}, x^y\log x)$

$grad H_2 = (x^x(1+ \log x)\sinh(y), x^x\cosh(y))$

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