Determine the slope and write the Cartesian equation of the line.


Write the equation of the line by the origin of coordinates that has vector director of components (1,2) determine the slope and write the Cartesian equation of the line.

My attempt:

Let $l$ a line such that pass for the origin.
Let $a$ a director vector of $l$. we know as $a$ is a director vector of $l$ then the components $(1,2)$ are in the line.

We have two points of the line.
We know the general equation for the line is $Ax+By+C=0$

Here i'm stuck can someone help me?

Best Answer

Assuming that $(1,2)$ is a vector parallel to the line, the line has slope $\frac{2}{1} = 2$.

From this, we can deduce that the Cartesian equation of the line is

$$y = 2x + c$$

for some constant $c$. We cannot determine $c$ unless we are given more information (such as a particular point on the line).