Determine the remainder when $7^{7^{2019}}$ is divided by 47.

modular arithmetic

Determine the remainder when $7^{7^{2019}}$ is divided by 47.

47 is prime, perhaps we can do something with that? I'm not sure how to approach this question, any and all help is appreciated.


Best Answer

By Fermat's little theorem $$7^{7^{2019}}\equiv 7^{(7^{2019} \mod{46})} \mod{47}$$ To calculate $$7^{2019} \mod{46}$$ We have $$7^{2019}\equiv1^{2019}\equiv1 \mod{2}$$ $$7^{2019}\equiv7^{(2019 \mod{22})}\equiv7^{17}\equiv (7)(49)^8\equiv(7)(3)^8\equiv(7)(27)^2(9)\equiv(7)(9)(4)^2\equiv19\mod{23}$$ $$\therefore 7^{2019} \equiv 19 \mod{46}$$ So, $$7^{7^{2019}}\equiv 7^{19}\equiv(7)(49)^9\equiv(7)(2)^9\equiv(7)(512)\equiv(7)(-5)\equiv-35\equiv12 \mod{47}$$

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