Determine the number of digits of the product a.b


If $ a = 3,643,712,546,890,623,517 $ and $ b = 179,563,128 $, determine the number of digits of the product $ a.b $. I went searching the site and found this post where advise to use logarithm Calculate the number of digits in a product of large numbers
But I am looking for something simpler. I did

$ 3.10^{18} <u = 3 … <3,7.10^{18} $ and $ 10^8 <v = 179 … <2.10^8 $

$$ 3.10^{26} <u.v <7,4.10^{26} $$ so that's 27 digits. Would this be right? Is there a more specific way to solve?

Best Answer

You are absolutely correct, and what you did is perhaps a more intuitive way of the logarithm-based method.

When you say $a$ has 19 digits, you are inherently saying its logarithm is $$, and similarly for $b=8.yyy$. Thus $ab$ has either $27$ or $28$ digits ($\log_{10}ab=26+z$ where $z<2$), but when you upper-bound both numbers and show that the product of the first digits is less than $10$, you are inherently saying that $.xxx+.yyy<1$, i.e. the numbers are not big enough to introduce an additional digit. Hence there are $27$ digits.