Determine the monotonic intervals of the functions


i need to determine the monotonic intervals of this function $y=2x^3-6x^2-18x-7$. I tried the below but i am not sure if i am doing it right.

My work: \begin{align} y=2x^3-6x^2-18x-7
&\Longleftrightarrow 6x^2-12x-18=0\\
&\Longleftrightarrow(x-3) (x+1)\\
&\Longleftrightarrow x-3=0 x+1=0\\
&\Longleftrightarrow x=3, x=-1\\

so my function increases when
$x\in[3, +\infty[$ and decreases when $x\in[-1, 3]\cup ]-\infty, -1]$

Please i want to know how to solve this problem any help with explanation will be appreciated. thanks in advanced

Best Answer

You have correctly found the derivative


and where it is zero, but you have not quite got the intervals correct.

The derivatives is positive if and only if


which is positive if and only if

$$(x>3 \text{ and } x>-1)\quad \text{ or }\quad (x<3 \text{ and } x<-1)$$

i.e. if and only if

$$(x>3)\quad \text{ or }\quad (x<-1)$$

So the function is (strictly) increasing on the interval $(-\infty, -1]$ and on the interval $[3,\infty)$.

The function is (strictly) decreasing on the interval $[-1,3]$.