Determine the equivalence classes on the relation a – b is in H where H = {4k : k is in Z}

abstract-algebradiscrete mathematicselementary-set-theoryequivalence-relationssolution-verification

Let H = {4k : k ∈ Z}. A relation R is defined on Z by aRb if a − b ∈ H.

(a) Show that R is an equivalence relation.

(b) Determine the distinct equivalence classes.


aRa if a – a is in H. Thus a – a = 0 and 0 = 4*m where m = 0. so R is reflexive.

Assuming a – b is in H, we want that b – a is in H. Thus if a – b = c = 4k, b – a = -c = 4(-k) where c is in H. Thus R is symmetric.

Let aRb and bRc, we want to show aRc. Thus if a – b = x and b – c = y, a – c = (x+b)-(b-y) = x + y; where x,y are in H. Thus x+y must also be in H and R is transitive.


Now how would I determine the equivalence classes?

Best Answer

Let's use $\sim$ instead of $R$ since this is an equivalence relation. By definition, the equivalence class containing $a\in H$ is $$[a] = \{b \in \mathbb{Z} : a\sim b\}$$ Suppose that $b \in [a]$. Then $a\sim b$ which is equivalent to $a-b \in H$. This happens precisely when $a-b = 4k$ for some $k \in \mathbb{Z}$. That is $b \equiv a \mod{4}$. Thus, $[a] = \{b \in \mathbb{Z} : b \equiv a \mod{4}\}$.

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