Determine if a functor has right/left adjoint


In $Set$ category let $P_X$ a functor defined as follows: given a set $Y$, $P_X(Y)=X\times Y$ and a function $f: Y \to Z $, $P_X(f)= 1_X \times f$. Determine if $P_X$ has left/right adjoint.

At first glance, since I'm still a novice in category theory, I was thinking that this exercise was very hard, now I would like to understand if I have found a possible solution.

For left adjunction we need the existence of a functor $G : Set \to Set$ such that
$$Hom_{Set}(P_X(Y), Z) \simeq Hom_{Set}(Y, G(Z))$$
And since we know that exist a natural isomorphism $Z^{X\times Y} \simeq (Z^X)^Y$, the $G$ functor that we need is $G = Hom_{Set}(X,-)$.

For right adjunction I was thinking to use the universal propriety of product, but i still don't know how to formalize it.
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

To be precise, you are showing that $P_X$ is a left adjoint (that is, that it has a right adjoint).

For the other direction, keep in mind that a right adjoint must preserve limits. Does $P_X$ preserve limits?

Edit to clarify:

Let's suppose that $P_X$ is a right adjoint. Then it preserves limits; in particular, it preserves products. Consider a specified one-element set $1 = \{w\}$. Then consider that $1 = 1 \times 1$ in the obvious way, with $1_1$ being the projection maps $\pi_0$ and $\pi_1$.

Pushing this diagram through the functor $P_X$, we see that $X \times 1$ must be the product of $X \times 1$ with itself, where the projection morphisms are the identity. That is, we see that $(X \times 1, 1_{X \times 1}, 1_{X \times 1})$ is the product of $X \times 1$ with itself.

Then using the canonical isomorphism between $X \times 1$ and $X$, we see that $(X, 1_X, 1_X)$ must be the product of $X$ with itself.

Then consider the canonical product $X \times X$. Note that the induced map from $X$ to $X \times X$ using the maps $\pi_i = 1_X : X \to X$ is $(1_X, 1_X) : X \to X \times X$. Since $(X, 1_X, 1_X)$ is a product of $X$ and $X$, this means the map $(1_X, 1_X)$ must be an isomorphism.

That $(1_X, 1_X) : X \to X \times X$ is an isomorphism is equivalent to any two elements of $X$ being equal.

But in fact, we can do even better by considering that $P_X$ would have to preserve the terminal object. For if $P_X$ preserves the terminal object, then we can pick a canonical 1-element set $1 = \{w\}$. Then we see that $P_X(1) = X \times 1$ must be isomorphic to $1$. Then $X \simeq X \times 1 \simeq 1$.

So if $P_X$ has a left adjoint, then $X$ is a one-element set. And conversely, it's easy to show that if $X$ is a one-element set, then $P_X$ has a left adjoint (in fact, if $X$ is a one-element set then $P_X$ is an equivalence of categories, which is even stronger than having both adjoints).