Determine all the trees (on at least two vertices) which are isomorphic to their complement.

graph theorytrees

Determine all the trees (on at least two vertices) which are isomorphic to their complement.

Hello graphed 4 trees and found onle two which are self-complementary ones. They are Tree with 1 vertex and 4 verteces. Is there general more self-complementary trees and if so , then is there a general rule for identifying them?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


A tree on $n$ vertices always contains exactly $n-1$ edges. As a graph on $n$ vertices has $\binom{n}{2}$ possible edges total, this means that the complement of a tree on $n$ vertices always contains $\binom{n}{2}-(n-1)$ total edges.

But, if the tree is self-complementary, then necessarily its complement must also be a tree... which implies that $$ \binom{n}{2}-(n-1)=n-1. $$ This can only happen when $n=1$ (which is forbidden by your problem statement) or for $n=4$. So, you only need to try a very small number of trees.