Determine a line such that all its points lie at equal distance to three non-parallel planes.

linear algebravectors

I am supposed to determine the parametric equation of a line such that all it's points lie at equal distance to the three planes,
So far I've been able to determine the point where all the planes intersect, as well as all the intersection lines between the planes individually. However, I am unable to get much further. I've tried determining a line that goes through the intersection point of the planes and another point with equal distance to the planes, but I just end up with a horrible system of equations. I'm thinking that there must be a much simpler way of going about solving this problem.

Best Answer

You did right the first step: if the planes have a common point the line shall pass through it.
However the planes do not need in general to have a common point.

The concept to apply is that, given two planes, the points equi-distant from them lie on one of the two planes bisecting the angles between the given planes. If these are parallel, then there is only one bi-secting plane (that in between) if they are distinct, or infinite if they are coincident .

Then, given two non-parallel planes $\pi_1=0, \quad \pi_2=0$ with unitary normal vectors $\bf n_1,\; \bf n_2$, the bisecting plane :
- belongs to the sheaf $\lambda \pi_1+ \mu \pi_2=0$
- has a unitary normal vector proportional to $\bf n_1+\bf n_2$ (external angle) or $\bf n_1-\bf n_2$ (internal angle).

Thus, having three planes,
- take two couples of them (e.g. $\pi_1,\,\pi_2$ and $\pi_2,\,\pi_3$)
- determine the four (or less, if you do not use homogeneous coordinates) bisecting planes $\pi_{1,2,a},\, \pi_{1,2,b}, \, \pi_{2,3,a},\, \pi_{2,3,b}$
- any line given by the crossing of two planes $\pi_{1,2,x}$ & $\pi_{2,3,y}$ will have $d_1=d_2\,\& \,d_2=d_3$.

In conclusion, for three non-parallel planes we have $4$ equi-distant lines. Less than that if some of the planes are parallel. The above when the distance is measured in absolute terms. If on each plane a direction of its normal is chosen as to measure the distance in algebraic ($\pm$) terms, then the line is unique (or does not exist).

To better visualize the whole situation, let's reduce the problem in 2D.
Given three non-parallel lines, thus a non-degenerate triangle made by them, the points that have the same absolute distance from the three lines are $4$: the $C_k$ shown in the sketch.


Coming to your particular case, the three planes are concurrent in one point: the system has only one solution $P=(1,-1,-1)$.
The unit normals to the planes are $$ \eqalign{ & {\bf n}_{\,1} = 1/3\left( {1,2,2} \right) \cr & {\bf n}_{\,2} = 1/3\left( {1, - 2,2} \right) \cr & {\bf n}_{\,3} = 1/3\left( {2,1,2} \right) \cr} $$

Four bisecting planes are $$ \eqalign{ & \pi _{1,2,a} = x + 0y + 2z + 1 = x + 2z + 1 = 0 \cr & \pi _{1,2,b} = 0x + 2y + 0z + 2 = y + 1 = 0 \cr & \pi _{2,3,a} = {3 \over 2}x - {1 \over 2}y + 2z + 0 = 3x - y + 4z = 0 \cr & \pi _{2,3,b} = - {1 \over 2}x - {3 \over 2}y + 0z - 1 = x + 3y + 2 = 0 \cr} $$ they are of course all passing through the point P.

Then starting and taking $\pi _{1,2,a} $ and $ \pi _{2,3,a} $, the cross product of their normals is $(2,2,-1)$.
Therefore a first line is $$ l_{\,1} :\;{{x - 1} \over { 2}} = {{y + 1} \over 2} = {{z + 1} \over { - 1}} = t $$ In fact, inserting its generic point $P_1(t)=(1+2t,-1+2t,-1-t)$ into the (normalized) equations of the three planes we get $4/3t(1,-1,1)$.

And you can check that you get analogue results with the other three lines obtained by the combination of $\pi _{1,2,x} $ and $ \pi _{2,3,y} $.

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