Desmos – plot x vs t instead of y vs x


My physics students get very confused when they go from math class, where x is always (! stop that!) the horizontal axis, to physics where we put all kinds of things on the horizontal axis, including at the beginning, t (time).

They do love making graphs with Desmos. I've looked around for how to rename the variables in the Desmos graphing calculator to no avail.

Desired output:
using the form:
make a plot in Desmos graphing calculator with $t$ on the horizontal axis.

Best Answer

As a frequent user of Desmos, this also annoys me! While I haven't found a way to change the labels associated to the axes by default, one way you may want to use is the parametric plotting function. For the parametric equation $x=x(t)$, $y=y(t)$, simply write $(x(t),y(t))$ in a new equation in Desmos. You'll then have the option to specify the allowed values of t below. In your case, you could use $x(t)=t$ and $$y(t)=v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2},$$ so plotting would look like:
$$(t,v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2})$$ with the time domain specified below (and values for $v_{0}$ and $a$ given, of course).

Here is an example: enter image description here

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