Design LQR controller with zero value for the matrix of system

control theorylinear-controloptimal control

In design controller for a first order system such as:
they assume that value of $a>0$. I need to know is it possibile to neglect this assume an design the controller even if $a=0$ as same as if $a>0$ ?

In other words can I design LQR for this system with $a=0$?

Best Answer

If $a = 0$ and $b \neq 0$ you can take

$$ u = -\frac{k}{b}x \tag{1} $$

with $k > 0$, so your dynamics $\dot{x} = b \, x$ will be

$$ \dot{x} = -k \, x $$

Because you can choose $k$ freely (only needs to be positive), you can realize any stable linear 1st order dynamic with $(1)$. So yes, you can use LQR in that case.

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