Description of Model of Euclidean Geometry found in the Hyperbolic Plane


I have read that there is a model of Euclidean Geometry in the Hyperbolic Plane, but can't find any description on the web in a digestible form and thought I'd ask this question: If one can describe the Euclidean Model of Geometry found in the Hyperbolic Plane in plain English, with math symbols here and there, but no need for formal proofs or anything at this point. I would just like to get an intuition of how it can be found in the Hyperbolic Plane.

To me this sounds like there is some way to create a model of say a cube or a sphere or something 2D like a rectangle or triangle, from the Hyperbolic Plane alone. It would be interesting to see an example of something 2D and/or 3D to help illuminate, but if it is too complicated then just a description of how you can apply the model would be a good start.

They say Hyperbolic Geometry is a non-Euclidean Geometry, but this would seem to mean that it is both non-Euclidean and yet capable of modeling Euclidean geometry, or something like that.

In addition to providing an explanation, please provide an example so I can see how it is applied.

Best Answer

Given the Hyperbolic plane and ond any origin point, introduce $(r,\theta)$ polar coordinates. That is, each point in the plane has a distance $0\le r$ from the origin and an angle of $\theta$ from a reference angle. Map any point with $(r,\theta)$ coordinates to the point in the Euclidean plane with the same polar coordinates. This is a one-to-one mapping between the entire Hyperbolic plane and the entire Euclidean plane giving a model of the Euclidean plane in the Hyperbolic plane. Of course, it is not an isometric or even conformal model.

If you are allowed to use Hyperbolic 3 space, then any Horosphere is an isometric embedded model of the Euclidean plane. This is exactly similar to the situation in Euclidean 3 space where the surface of any sphere (antipodal points identified) is an isometric embedded model of the elliptic plane in Elliptic geometry.