Deriving formula for curvature of a Curve.


So I have this formula for a regular curve $\gamma (t)$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$, $\kappa = \frac{\vert\vert \overset{\cdot\cdot}{\gamma}\times\overset{\cdot}{\gamma}\vert\vert}{\vert\vert \overset{\cdot}{\gamma}\vert\vert^3}$

The proof of which starts by stating:
Let $s$ be a unit speed parameter for $\gamma$. Then, by the chain rule,


What I don't understand is why can you reparametrize $\gamma$ without changing the function? Whenever reparametrization was shown before it was shown as $\overset{\sim}{\gamma}(s(t))=\gamma(t)$, where $s$ is usually the arc length and is a function of $t$. But here it seems like they've taken the function $\gamma(t)=\gamma(s(t))$

Best Answer

The parametrization of a curve does not affect the shape of the curve, only the speed which the curve is traversed. That is, $\gamma(f(t))$ is the same curve for any continuous $f$, only the direction and speed at which the curve is being traced is changed. We normally choose the arc length parametrization, since it’s arguably the “simplest” speed, 1 unit per second.