Deriving a differential equation for projectile motion


We have a projectile, which we will consider spherical, of radius $r$ density $\rho_m$ and mass $m$, and we begin by firing it from a point $(0,h_0)$ at an initial velocity $v_0$ at an angle $\theta_0$. From this we can say that:
If we neglect all forces acting except those due to gravity then we can say:
Integrating to give:
Now by applying initial conditions we get:
$$y=-\frac g2t^2+v_0\sin(\theta_0)t+h_0\tag{2.4.2}$$
However, I would like to do the same thing as this but not neglecting air resistance (and if possible I would like to include the effect of spin). My thoughts to doing this would be: If $F_x,F_y$ denote force in the $x$ and $y$ directions, then we can say:
$$\sum F_x=mx''\,\,,\,\,\sum F_y=my''\tag{3.1}$$
I have found that for an object moving through air, drag is equal to:
$$F_{drag}=\frac 12CA\rho_{f}v^2\tag{3.2}$$
Since this is the total velocity of the object in question, we would have to say:
We now know the total drag force but obviously need the force in each direction. I believe the drag would always act in the opposite direction to motion. Because of this I would say:
For some reason I can't visualise how I would get this $\cos\theta$ and $\sin\theta$ in terms of $x$ and $y$, maybe it would be clearer if I converted to vectors? I'm not sure how to continue from here to get a differential equation for $x''$ and $y''$. Thanks


After getting help from users I end up with the differential equation:

Best Answer

Notice that the drag force is always opposite to velocity. You can then write $$\cos\theta=\frac{v_x}v=\frac{x'}{\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2}}\\\sin\theta=\frac{v_y}v=\frac{y'}{\sqrt{x'^2+y'^2}}$$