Deformation retraction arising from a mapping cylinder.


In Allen Hatcher Algebraic topology, chapter zero, I had the following:

enter image description here
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My questions are:

1- Why the mapping cylinder is the quotient space, what makes it specifically a quotient space?

2- Why there is the part I circled in red in the picture in the mapping cylinder, what is its importance?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm not sure how to interpret the first question, but there are a few answers.

1) It is a quotient space because it is a quotient. You define the mapping cylinder of $f\colon X\to Y$ as the quotient of the space $X\times[0,1]\amalg Y$ by the relation $(x,1)\sim f(x)$.

2) A surjective map $q\colon A\to B$ is a quotient map if and only if "a set $U$ is open in $B$ if and only if $q^{-1}(U)$ is open in $A$." In other words, $B$ has the quotient topology. In this case, the quotient map is $X\times[0,1]\amalg Y\to(X\times[0,1]\amalg Y)/\sim$.

3) In another sense, to "be a quotient space" means nothing. Any space $X$ is a quotient space of itself with the trivial relation.

As to the second question, there is no significance to the circled area. Hatcher just tried to draw something more interesting than a circle.

The point of mapping cylinders is really so that, for any map $f\colon X\to Y$, you can replace $f$ with the inclusion of $X$ into the mapping cylinder $M_f$. Here, "inclusion" means the map $i\colon X\to M_f$ sending $x$ to $(x,0)\in X\times[0,1]$. Then via a straight-line deformation, $M_f\simeq Y$. The point is that, when you want to compute the homology of one of the spaces $X$ or $Y$, you can now think of $X$ (i.e. $X\times\{0\}$) as being a subspace of $Y$ (i.e. $M_f$), and then look at the long exact sequence of the pair $(M_f,X)$.

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