Deform the boundary of the Möbius band in the proper way


The boundary of a Möbius band is an unknot in $\mathbb{R}^3$, so we can deform it via an ambient isotopy to the standard circle in a plane. In this way, how does the Möbius band look like (i.e. how the standard circle bounds a Möbius band in $\mathbb{R}^3$)? I can hardly imagine it. Could someone visualize it?

Best Answer

Werner Boy's Surface (with a Hole)

A really nice way to represent it is Boy's Surface with a hole poked in it.

Boy's surface is an immersion of the 2-dimensional projective plane $P$ into Euclidean $\Bbb R^3$. It's not an embedding because it has self-intersections and a triple point. But it's smooth everywhere and has no pinches or creases or cusps.

Now $P=M+D$ where $M$ is a Möbius band and $D$ is a disk, i.e. gluing $D$ and $M$ together gives $P$. The other way round, poking a hole (removing $D$) from $P$ will yield $M$. Notice that we can pick to remove a disc that does not intersect with the remaining $M$.

The page above has images of a sculpture in Oberwolfach, which is specially nice because it is minimizing Willmore energy using Bryant-Kusner-parametrization. Removing the top dome would leave a Möbius band with a flat circle as its boundary.

Boy's Surface in Oberfolfach

And there are also nice animations, cf. youtube: Boy's surface.

Great David Hilbert conjectured that no such immersion exists, but Werner Boy proved him wrong.

Möbius Snail

A different representation with circular boundary is the "Sudanese Möbius strip" which has no self-intersections. An image and description are here. Sudanese Möbius Strip

Adding a disc in order to complete it to the projective plane will introduce self-intersections and creases, though, i.e. places where the surface is not smooth. More renderings are here.

Möbius Snail

Möbius Wheel (from Boy's Surface)

Returning to Boy's surface, here are some renderings of a Möbius strip with (almost) circular boundary: W1, W2, W3, W4. These renderings were created by changing the Bryant-Kusner parametrization in such a way that only a part is rendered (which effectively pokes a hole) and by pulling the boundary of the resulting Möbius strip to the equatorial plane. The resulting shape has $D_{2\cdot 3}$ dihedral symmetry with a triple-point in the center. There is a detailed description.

Möbius Wheel Möbius Wheel Möbius Wheel Möbius Wheel

All images from Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons.

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