Definitions of the operator norm of a matrix

linear algebranormed-spaces

I understand that the operator norm of a matrix is induced by the vector norm, and is given by

\|A\|_{\rm op} = \max_{\|x\| = 1}\|Ax\|

However, in a lecture, I see the operator norm being mentioned as the following.

\|A\|_{\rm op} = \max_{\|z\| = 1}|z^{\rm T}Az|

Note that in the latter definition we have the absolute value (as $z^{\rm T}Az$ is a scalar).
For context, we know that $A$ is a real symmetric matrix with entries in $\{-1,1\}$. I am not able to see how these two definitions are the same. Any help would be amazing. Thanks!

Best Answer

If $A$ is real and symmetric, then $A$ is orthogonally diagonalisable with real eigenvalues. That is, there exists an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors $v_1, \ldots, v_n$, with respective eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n \in \Bbb{R}$. An arbitrary vector $x$ can be represented as a linear combination of this basis: $$x = a_1 v_1 + \ldots + a_n v_n.$$ We have, using Pythagoras's theorem, $$\|x\|^2 = \|a_1 v_1\|^2 + \ldots + \|a_n v_n\|^2 = |a_1|^2 + \ldots + |a_n|^2.$$ Applying $A$, we also get \begin{align*} \|Ax\|^2 &= \|a_1 Av_1 + \ldots + a_n Av_n\|^2 \\ &= \|a_1 \lambda_1 v_1 + \ldots + a_n \lambda_n v_n\|^2 \\ &= |a_1|^2 |\lambda_1|^2 + \ldots + |a_n|^2 |\lambda_n|^2. \end{align*} So, the problem of finding $\max_{\|x\| = 1} \|Ax\|^2$ is equivalent to maximising $|a_1|^2 |\lambda_1|^2 + \ldots + |a_n|^2 |\lambda_n|^2$, subject to $\|(a_1, \ldots, a_n)\| = 1$ (with the Euclidean norm). This quantity is maximised by biasing towards the largest value of $|\lambda_i|$, i.e. if $|\lambda_i| \ge |\lambda_j|$ for all $j$, then we get the maximum by setting $a_i = 1$ and each other $a_j = 0$.

In other words, any vector $x$ in the unit sphere which maximises $\|Ax\|^2$ is inevitably an eigenvector corresponding to one of the largest eigenvalues (in the sense that the absolute value is greatest). The actual maximum of $\|Ax\|^2$ is $|\lambda|^2$, where $\lambda$ is the largest eigenvalue. Thus, the operator norm $\|A\|$ by this definition should be $|\lambda|$.

Next, let's consider $\max_{\|x\|=1}|x^\top Ax|$. Let's keep the above linear combination for $x$ as before. Remembering that $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ is orthonormal, we get \begin{align*} |x^\top Ax| &= |x \cdot (Ax)| \\ &= |(a_1 v_1 + \ldots + a_n v_n) \cdot (a_1 \lambda_1 v_1 + \ldots + a_n \lambda_n v_n)| \\ &= |\lambda_1 a_1^2 + \ldots + \lambda_n a_n^2|. \end{align*} In similar fashion, we restrict $a_1^2 + \ldots + a_n^2 = 1$. If we have a largest eigenvalue $\lambda_i$, then $$|\lambda_1 a_1^2 + \ldots + \lambda_n a_n^2| \le |\lambda_1| a_1^2 + \ldots + |\lambda_n| a_n^2 \le |\lambda_i|(a_1^2 + \ldots + a_n^2) = |\lambda_i|,$$ an upper bound which is again achieved when $x$ is a corresponding eigenvalue $v_i$. Again, the maximum is simply the modulus of the largest eigenvalue, which agrees with the previous definition.

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