Definition of zero measure sets in a manifold


What show below is a reference from the text Analysis on Manifolds by James Munkres.

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So with this results I like to discuss the following definition given by Munkresenter image description here

So unfortunately I don't understand completely what is above defined. First of all I don't understand who is the function $\alpha$ in the first definition: is it a any coordinate patch or Munkres wanted write $\alpha_i$ rather that $\alpha$? Then I only understand (will it be true?) the equivalence between the two definition only in the case where $D_i=\alpha^{-1}_i(D\cap V_i)$ so if in the first definition $\alpha$ is any coordinate patch I ask to explain the equivalence between the two definition of measure zero set in a manifold: please don't use lebesgue measure theory because I did not study it!!!. So could someone help me, please?

Best Answer

As you suggest, there appears to be a typo. In the original definition of measure zero set on a manifold, the definition of $D_i$ should read $$D_i=\alpha_i^{-1}(D\cap V_i).$$ I am not aware of any errata to this book, but given the fact that there is no function $\alpha$ referenced elsewhere in this definition is very strong evidence that this is indeed a mistake, and that Munkres meant for $\alpha$ to be $\alpha_i$.