Definition of the sum of 2 Dedekind cuts

real numbersreal-analysis

I was recently studying the construction of real numbers. I read that the sum of 2 reals using the left Dedekind sets was the set of sum of all the rational numbers contained within those two sets.

What I am not able to understand is how the sum of the rational numbers of those two sets contains all the rational numbers less than the real number associated in the sum. In other words, how can I be sure that there is no rational number greater than the greatest sum of the rationals in the two sets but at the same time lesser than the resulting real number ? [ I am aware that I should not be thinking about the greatest rational in the set, but I am inclined to think about the greatest number when taking the sum as it should represent the largest of the rationals in the resulting set ]

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

When you say "lesser than the resulting real number", you think as if that real number (i.e. the sum of the two given reals) was already known/obtained by other means.

This is not the case, it is only known from the definition, which you don't have to prove.

To illustrate, $\sqrt2+\sqrt3$ is the set of rational numbers $p+q$ such that $p^2\le2$ and $q^2\le3$, and nothing else. And obviously, no larger rational belongs to that set by definition.

As long as you have not defined the Dedekind cuts, there are no reals, and as long as you have not defined the addition of Dedekind cuts, the sum of two reals doesn't exist.

A philosophical remark:

You might be tempted to say, yeah, but we know that the reals are there independently of us, and $\sqrt2+\sqrt3$ exists and could be such that Dedekind addition fails.

That's right, there could exist some real number $\sqrt2+\sqrt3$ in some real number theory, such that there is a rational that invalidates the inequality. But we need to use definitions to specify which number theory we want to deal with, namely one where Dedekind addition is foolproof (if that exists).

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