Definition of the map $M \to \operatorname{Alb}(M)$


I'm reading about the Albanese variety in Griffiths' and Harris' Principles of algebraic geometry. For a complex manifold $M$, the Albanese variety is defined as
$$\operatorname{Alb(M)} := H^0(M, \Omega_M^1)^* / H_1(M, \mathbb{Z}).$$
There is also a map $\mu: M \to \operatorname{Alb}(M)$, defined by taking a base point $p_0 \in M$ and a basis $\omega_1, \dotsc, \omega_q \in H^0(M, \Omega_M)$, and setting
$$\mu(p) := \left(\int_{p_0}^p \omega_1, \dotsc, \int_{p_0}^p \omega_q\right).$$

My questions:

  1. What does that tuple mean? I mean if I choose a basis of $H^0(M, \Omega_M^1)^*$, the tuple could be coefficients of the basis elements. But what basis to choose? One dual to $\omega_1, \dotsc, \omega_q$?
  2. Is it clear that the definition does not depend on the choice of $\omega_1, \dotsc, \omega_q$?

Best Answer

Basis is irrelevant. Fix a base point $p_0$ and $p$ any point. Take a path $\gamma$ from $p_0$ to $p$. Then, we have for any 1-form $\omega$ the integral $\int_{\gamma} \omega$ which gives a map $(p,\gamma)\to H^0(\Omega^1)^*$ and thus a map to $H^0(\Omega^1)^*/H_1(\mathbb{Z})$. Check that this does not depend on $\gamma$ and thus we get a map from $M\to H^1(\Omega^1)^*/H^1(\mathbb{Z})$.

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