General Topology – Definition of the Krull Dimension of a Topological Space


Let $X$ be a topological space. It is irreducible if it can not be written as a union of $U$ and $V$ where $U,V$ are proper closed subsets of $X$.

A chain of irreducible closed subsets of $X$ is a sequence
Z_0\subsetneq Z_1\subsetneq\cdots \subsetneq Z_n\subset X

where each $Z_i$ is an irreducible closed subset of $X$. For each of the chain, its length is either $\infty$ or the integer $n$, and we define the Krull dimension $\dim(X)$ to be the supremum of lengths of chains of irreducible closed subsets of $X$.

I am a little bit confused about the definition. For each chain, do we allow $Z_n$ to be $X$ (say, $X$ is an irreducible closed subset)? If the only irreducible subsets of $X$ are the one-point sets and itself, is its dimension $0$ or $1$?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Yes we allow the case $Z_n$ being the whole space. If you think of a spectrum of an integral domain, then $Z_n$ is the whole spectrum and it corresponds to the zero ideal, which is prime in this case and therefore should be counted.

When the only irreducible subsets are points and the space itself then the dimension is $1$, not $0$. Note that in this case points are closed because closure of an irreducible subspace is also irreducible. I do not know an explicit example of such a space but for sure it must be T1 but neither sober (because the whole space is irreducible and has no generic point) nor Hausdorff for a Hausdorff spacs to be irreducible, it must be one-point space because if there are two points then there are two open subsets separating them, which is not possible because in an irreducible space, nonempty subsets intersect non-trivially.

P/s: thanks to a comment of RobArthan, an example for such spaces is any infinite set endowed with the cofinite topology.

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