Definition of locally of finite type morphism


Hartshorne defines the locally finite type morphism as follows:

Definition: A morphism $f : X \to Y$ of schemes is locally of finite type if there exists a covering of $Y$ by affine open subsets $V_i = Spec B_i$, such that for each i, $f^{-1}(V_i)$ can be covered by open affine subsets $U_{ij}=SpecA_{ij}$, where each $A_{ij}$ is a finitely generated $B_i$-algebra.

My question is: Is there something missing in this definition?

I would expect a relation between the map $B_i \to A_{ij}$ that determines the algebra structure and the map $f|_{SpecA_{ij}} : SpecA_{ij} \to SpecB_i$

Best Answer

From the comments: the $B_i$-algebra structure on $A_{ij}$ is induced via the map $f|_{\operatorname{Spec} A_{ij}} \operatorname{Spec} A_{ij} \to \operatorname{Spec} B_{i}$. This is the algebra structure Hartshorne refers to when he says that $A_{ij}$ is a finitely-generated $B_i$-algebra. (Compare to Stack's definition, where the connection between the map $f$ and the algebra structure is slightly more explicit.)

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