Definition of Compactification in Munkres’ Topology


If $Y$ is a compact Hausdorff space and $X$ is a proper subspace of $Y$ whose closure equals $Y$, then $Y$ is said to be compactification of $X$. If $Y-X$ is a single point, then $Y$ is called the one point compactification of $X$.

Claim: $X$ has a one point compactification $Y$ $\Leftrightarrow $ $X$ is locally compact Hausdorff and $X$ is not compact. Proof: Condition $\overline{X}=Y$ is equivalent to $X$ is not compact. Proof of $X$ is not compact $\Rightarrow$ $\overline{X}=Y$, link: Theorem 29.1 of Munkres’ Topology (last part). Conversely, assume towards contradiction, $X$ is compact. Then $\infty=Y-X \in \mathcal{T}_Y$. So $\infty \in \mathcal{N}_\infty$. Thus $X \cap \{ \infty \} =\emptyset$. Which contradicts our initial assumption of $\overline{X}=Y$. Is this proof correct?

What the following sentence means: We speak of $Y$ as “the” one point compactification because $Y$ is uniquely determined up to a homeomorphism.

Best Answer

What the following sentence means: We speak of Y as “the” one point compactification because Y is uniquely determined up to a homeomorphism.

It means:

  1. Say that $X$ is a non-compact, locally-compact Hausdorff space
  2. Say that Y is a compact space containing $X$ and one additional point, $\infty_Y$
  3. Say that Z is a compact space containing $X$ and one additional point, $\infty_Z$

Then $Y$ and $Z$ are homeomorphic.

Munkres then gives a construction that explains how to take $X$ and construct the corresponding $Y$. And because $Y$ is uniquely determined, that one construction is the whole story; there are no other ways to produce a one-point compactification of a space.

Munkres’ presentation of this is a little hard to follow. What is the one-point compactification of $\mathbb{Z}_{+}$? discusses it and may help a little bit.