Set Theory – Definition of Absoluteness in Kunen’s Set Theory


Page 117

In Kunens "Set Theory" the above Definiton is given. In the whole Chapter $M$ is an arbitrary class, more context is not given.

My question is:
Which definition of true is used for these formulas?
E.g. if i were to prove a formula $\Phi$ to be absolute for some $M,N$ which axioms am i allowed to use to show the equivalence? Only the axioms of logic? Or maybe ZF is meant?

enter image description here

This mentions a set of Sentences $S$

Best Answer

I'd interpret it as a definition schema, where you could interpret "$\phi$ is absolute for $\mathbf M,$ $\mathbf N$" as an abbreviation for the sentence $$ \forall x(x\in \mathbf M\to x\in \mathbf N) \land \forall \vec x\in \mathbf M(\phi^{\mathbf M}(\vec x)\leftrightarrow \phi^{\mathbf N}(\vec x)).$$

One could ask the same question of "what definition of true" is being used when we say "$\mathbf M$ is transitive" (also a schema of sentences, but in one formula rather than three). Generally, we are working with some reference set theory (say maybe $\sf ZF$, maybe without regularity at this point in Kunen's book), and when we work with such statements, we're allowed to use those axioms.

With that said, looking through the next couple of pages, I don't think I see anything that can't be proved just with pure logic, e.g. I don't think the theorem that syntactically $\Delta_0$ formulas are absolute or Lemma 3.7 require any set theory axioms (but I could have missed something).

Speaking of Lemma 3.7, since you asked about that too: Here, $S$ is a set of sentences in the metatheory and the statement that $S\vdash \phi\leftrightarrow \psi$ is a statement in the metatheory. Let $\sf WST$ ("working set theory") be the reference theory I alluded to earlier. What this metatheorem is saying is that if $S\vdash \phi\leftrightarrow \psi$, and $\sf{WST}\vdash\varphi^{\mathbf M}$ for each $\varphi\in S$, and similarly for $\mathbf N,$ then $\sf WST$ proves the sentence "$\phi$ is absolute for $\mathbf M,$ $\mathbf N$ iff $\psi$ is."

As I remarked above, I don't think anything other than logic is used in proving lemma 3.7, but set theory axioms will almost always be used when using it, at least assuming $S$ is not the empty set. For example, we'll often need to use the corresponding axiom $\varphi$ in $\sf WST$ to prove $\varphi^{\mathbf M}$ for $\varphi\in S,$ or need to use some set theory axioms in any event.

As Kunen mentions, the main purpose of lemma 3.7 is to transfer absoluteness for syntactically $\Delta_0$ formulas to absoluteness for formulas/concepts provably equivalent to a syntactically $\Delta_0$ formula in some set theory $S$ (or more generally, $\Delta_1^S$ concepts... those provably equivalent to both a syntactially $\Sigma_1$ and a syntactically $\Pi_1$ formula in $S$). Then this allows you to establish (schematically, in $\sf WST$) that the concept is absolute for transitive models of $S.$

So when Kunen later proves a bunch of things are absolute for transitive models of $\sf ZF-P$, or what-have-you, we're really concerned about scrutinizing $S$ rather than $\sf WST.$ Though we'll have $S\subseteq \sf WST$ here since we have $\mathbf N = \mathbf V.$ For instance one of the more important and not-altogether-trivial results is that being an ordinal is absolute for transitive models. This requires foundation since we need the equivalence of being an ordinal to being transitive and linearly ordered by $\in$ (rather than well-ordered by $\in$, which is the 'real' definition that works in weaker set theories).

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