Definition of a surjective morphism of schemes


In Example 3.3.1 Chapter II Hartshorne, he considers a morphism of schemes $F : X \to Y$, where $X = Spec \ k[x,y,t]/(ty – x^2)$ and $Y = Spec \ k[t]$. And he says $f$ is a surjective morphism. I was wondering what is the definition of surjectivity for morphisms of schemes? Thank you

Best Answer

Usually it is just supposed to mean that the underlying map on the topological spaces is surjective.

There are various other possibilities for ”surjective-like“ morphisms (e.g. epi, dominant etc.), but they have other names.

There are non-surjective epis and surjective non-epis in the category of schemes. Thus do not arbitrarily switch between these two.

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