Definition of a left-invariant vector field


In DoCarmo’s Riemannian Geometry book, a smooth vector field $X$ on a Lie group $G$ is called left invariant if $d(L_x)_yX=X$ for all $x,y\in G$.

The left side maps each $y\in G$ to the tangent space $T_{xy}G$ while the right side maps each $y$ to $T_yG$. So in what sense are they equal?

Best Answer

Let $G$ be a Lie group and $X$ a vector field. For $g\in G$, let $L_g:G\to G$ denote left-multiplication, i.e., $L_g(p)=gp$. Then we say that $X$ is left-invariant if $$(L_g)_*X=X.$$ Note that the pushforward makes sense on vector fields since $L_g$ is a diffeomorphism. Making this explicit at a point, say at $p\in G$ yields $$X_{L_g(p)}=((L_g)_*X)_p$$ (this is saying $X$ is $L_g$-related with itself). Or rewritten, we have that $$X_{gp}=d(L_g)_p(X_p).$$

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