Definition biproduct (category theory)


Consider the following fragment found on

For convenience, here is an image of the relevant section:

enter image description here

Can someone explain how this definition implies that there is a zero object? I can't see why the empty set corresponds to a zero object.

It this is a mistake, then what is the 'correct' definition?

Best Answer

The last sentence explains how the empty biproduct is a zero object. Namely the empty biproduct, I'll call it $0$, is an empty product, thus a terminal object, and an empty coproduct, thus an initial object. Since it is both a terminal and initial object, it is a zero object.

I'll note that there is actually a relevant error that might be confusing you, namely that the conditions on the morphisms only imply that the biproduct is both a product and coproduct in the case when the biproduct is not empty. If we leave out this part of the definition in the empty case, then the definition would read "a biproduct is any object together with a collection of no morphisms," which is not what we want.

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