Defining “tuples” of $n \geq 2$ as SETS of ordered pairs (indexing strategy) versus single ordered pairs (Kuratowski strategy)


After reading some posts on the forum (Definition of the ordered triple (a, b, c) according to Kuratowski's Set Theory. and Associativity of cartesian product and nested ordered n-tuples to name a few), I learned that there are two common ways of defining elements of Cartesian Products of the form $X \times X \times X \times …$

The first way involves purely applying the Kuratowski definition (recursively if $n \gt 2$), which will produce a single ordered pair, and the second way involves an indexed set ( $\{0,1,…,n\}$) mapping, which ends up producing a collection (set) of ordered pairs.

Let $X \times X$ and $X \times X \times X$ be my two working examples.

Consider an element $\langle a,b \rangle \in X \times X$

"Purely" Kuratowski Definition – $\langle a, b \rangle := \{\{a\},\{a,b\}\}$

Indexed Set Definition (followed by Kuratowski) – $\langle a,b \rangle := \{\langle 0,a\rangle,\langle1,b\rangle\} = \Big \{\big \{\{0\},\{0,a\}\big\}, \big \{\{1\},\{1,b\}\big\}\Big\}$

Consider an element $\langle a,b,c \rangle \in X \times X \times X$

"Purely" Kuratowski Definition – $\langle a, b, c \rangle := \langle \langle a, b \rangle, c \rangle = \Big \{ \big \{ \big \{ \{a\},\{a,b\}\big \} \big \}, \big \{ \big \{ \{a\}, \{a,b \} \big \}, c \big \} \Big \}$

Indexed Set Definition (followed by …) – $\langle a, b, c \rangle :=\{\langle 0,a\rangle,\langle1,b\rangle\,\langle 2,c\rangle\} = \Big \{\big \{\{0\},\{0,a\}\big\}, \big \{\{1\},\{1,b\}\big\},\big \{\{2\},\{2,c\}\big\}\Big\}$

Now, my question is as follows:

For a given Cartesian Product "dimension" ($2$ in the case of $X \times X$ and $3$ in the case of $X \times X \times X$), are these definitions "bijective" (maybe isomorphic is the appropriate term here)?

I am guessing the answer is yes, but I am not really seeing what that might look like. I've always thought of bijective functions of finite sets as requiring each set to have the same number of elements. In the $2$D example, this is certainly true…but in the $3$D example, this is not true. So I am uncertain of what to think.

Any insight is appreciated! Thank you.

Best Answer

In each case one can uniquely recover the components and their order from the $n$-tuple. Suppose, for example, that $t\in A\times B\times C$ is a Kuratowski ordered triple. Then there are a unique $p\in A\times B$ and $c\in C$ such that $t=\langle p,c\rangle$, and there are unique $a\in A$ and $b\in B$ such that $p=\langle a,b\rangle$. Thus, we can read off the first, second, and third components of $t$ as $a,b$, and $c$, respectively: $t=\langle a,b,c\rangle$.

Mind you, actually describing how to recover $a$ and $b$ from $p$, for instance, is a bit of a pain, but it can be done. First, $a$ is the unique $x\in\bigcup p$ such that $\forall y\in p\,(x\in y)$. If $a$ is the only element of $\bigcup p$, then $b=a$; otherwise, $b$ is the unique element of $\left(\bigcup p\right)\setminus\{a\}$.

From the other definition, of course, we recover $a,b$, and $c$ as $t(0),t(1)$, and $t(2)$, respectively. The bijection between the two versions of $A\times B\times C$ is then defined in terms of the components: if $\langle a,b,c\rangle$ is a Kuratowski triple, the indexed set triple corresponding to it under the bijection is the unique $t$ in the indexed set product such that $t(0)=a$, $t(1)=b$, and $t(2)=c$.

All of this generalizes readily to $n$-fold products for arbitrary $n\in\Bbb Z^+$.

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