Defining Fourier transform for non L1 functions

definitionfourier transform

in this question, it is explained how one can rigorously define the Fourier transform over $L_1$ functions using a Lebesgue integral. But what about when we transform functions which are not in $L_1$?

Specifically, in many branches of physics and engineering it is common to take Fourier transforms of functions such as $cos(t), \space sin(t),\space f(t)=1$

The above examples all result somehow in Dirac Delta functions, which are actually distributions and not functions proper. So it seems we need to come up with a rather different definition of what a Fourier transform is to include these cases.

How can we do this?

Best Answer

In short a tempered distribution $T$ is uniquely defined by its pairing with gaussians : $$T_{a} = e^{-\pi a^2 x^2} (T \ast \frac1a e^{-\pi x^2/a^2})$$ Note $T_{a}$ is $C^\infty \cap L^1$

(when $a \to 0$, $\frac1a e^{-\pi x^2/a^2} \to \delta$ and $T \ast \frac1a e^{-\pi x^2/a^2} \to T$ in the sense of distributions).

Given a tempered distribution, compute the Fourier transform $\hat{T}_{a} = FT[T_a] \in C^\infty \cap L^1$. and let $a \to 0$, you obtain $\hat{T} = \lim_{a \to 0} \hat{T}_a$ (again limit in the sense of distributions) and $\hat{T}_a = \frac1a e^{-\pi x^2/a^2} \ast (e^{-\pi \xi^2 a^2} \hat{T})$, which, if true for one $a$, is true for every $a$.

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